Intimate Shakespeare & Chamber Music
Our Mission
We create intimately powerful productions of Shakespeare interwoven with music, that draw audiences into a shared experience, up close and transformative, in unique spaces at affordable prices. We prioritize process, collaboration, and fostering a platform where artists and audiences can nurture a spirit of friendship and dialogue.
Our performances transcend traditional boundaries, blending acting, live music, and immersive soundscapes informing every aspect of our performances, from the story to character development, to the rich imagery and poetry of the text. We aim to immerse our audiences in the heart of the story. We intend to develop Shakespeare in various languages and mediums and continue to perform in alternative spaces that break the fourth wall and create a communal experience for witnessing live theater.
The team at New Place Players is committed to bringing Shakespeare to life in educational settings, through our Embodied Shakespeare program. Our teaching artists engage students, particularly from marginalized or underrepresented segments of society, enabling them to embrace Shakespeare's language and characters through voice, movement, music, and creative exploration. By embodying the essence of Shakespeare, we infuse classrooms and lives with joy and vitality.
“You can whittle Shakespeare down to a core, you can stage him in a living room, you can do most anything to him; in our collective imagination his characters still stand tall, their cries still ring. Directors Bacon and Janina Picard know this, and their nocturnal “masque” found the heart of Romeo and Juliet.”
Anna Bikales
Jorge Carrión Álvarez
Flavio Gaete
Kenji Golden
Libby Lindsey
Maximilian Macdonald
Clara Tristan
“New Place Players emphasize the sense of actor and audience sharing the same space, with only the subtlest of fourth-wall-breaking antics.”
—The Guardian
Creative Team
Craig Bacon
Flavio Gaete
Cristian Gastelo
Julian Gastelo
Rose Kanj
Shawn Lewis
Aaron McDaniel
Reza Mirjalili
Janina Picard
“After 14 productions of Othello this is the one I've enjoyed the most…Immediacy was so wonderful...Conor Andrew Hall he would have kept you guessing, you could understand why Othello would believe him...Eliott Johnson is very very fine, so human it is the best thing about him."
— Peter Filichia, Broadway Radio
Production Team
Grace Carter
Leah Michalos
Katie Rosin
“It is thrilling to be a part of a magical environment where an old-world club dining room or ballroom is transformed, not through fancy sets and lights, but through food, wine, physical imagination, and Shakespeare’s language.”
Board of Directors
Craig Bacon
Hale Gurland
Liz Gurland